Apply for a Business Loan
Access business finance from £25k - £150k to support your UK based small business as you look to invest and grow.
How do I apply for a business loan?
If you would like to progress a business loan application you will need to supply the following:
Your completed application form.
A copy of your last 2 years financial accounts (including detailed Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss statement);
Up to date Management Information (including Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss statement);
Your cash flow forecasts for the trading year plus a minimum of the next 12 months. These should show your projected/known income; expenditure, funding requirement and assumptions;
Bank statements for the last 6 months for all business accounts. If more convenient for you, we are able to access these through Open Banking with your authority;
A completed Statement of Assets, Liabilities, Income and Expenditure for each owner/director
Once you have collated the above please email this information to loans@ldbgroup.co.uk.
On submitting your application and documents to us, you also agree to our Privacy Policy.
Please note we will not be able to progress any enquiry or application unless you can supply all information requested. We aim to respond to all applications within 5 working days.
We are an accredited lender of the Growth Guarantee Scheme managed by the British Business Bank - on receiving your application we will work to provide you with a loan on the best possible terms. Your assigned business manager will inform you about your suitability and eligibility for our finance products, and let you know if the Growth Guarantee Scheme or an alternative is more suited to you.
Need help with your business loan application?
Why not drop us a line? We’re a friendly bunch and our team of finance experts can take you through your options, and if our products don’t suit you, we can also offer credit brokerage to help you find the right finance option for you.