Business Resource Hub
Our business resource hub brings together helpful templates, guides and support available to start up businesses, and businesses looking to grow and thrive.

Guides, resources and support for UK Businesses
Free Templates and Resources
Download a free template to help you create your winning Business Plan, Marketing Strategy, Cashflow Forecast and more on the Let’s Do Business Group website.
Support to apply for a Start Up Loan
Contact us for a free consultation and let us answer any questions you have about eligibility, features of the Start Up Loan scheme and your application.
Support Guides from the British Business Bank
Created to support your journey to grow, access the free Business Support Guides from the British Business Bank to learn about your options and opportunities for growth.
Start Up Marketing Help
Our subsidiary Let’s Do Marketing offers affordable marketing support and training to help you get your marketing off to the right start. They can provide help with marketing strategy, design, websites, branding, social media, and understanding marketing software.
Free events to learn new skills
Meet and learn from the experts to take your business to the next level. We regularly run workshops and webinars that cover the latest and most relevant topics for business owners, helping you stay ahead of the curve and ready for whatever business ownership throws at you.
Support to find commercial premises
Locate East Sussex can support businesses to find the right commercial property for them, offering 12 hours of free support.
Guide to Data Protection
The ICO is the UK’s regulator for data protection law, and can give you simple advice and tips on how to use people’s information fairly and securely to make sure you are compliant with data protection laws for your business.